Using the instagram tool to drive the growth of a small business



Instagram; Internet; Marketing


This article aims to analyze the influence of the use of the social network Instagram on the growth of a small company in the city of Santa Cruz, Hélio Silva Fotografias, in the interior of Rio Grande do Norte. To this end, a study will be made of how the social network Instagram has been used for the propagation of your business, in view of the constant growth in the number of users of social networks, which brings new market opportunities and with that, competitive advantages in this increasingly dynamic and accessible environment for many people. The human being has as one of his needs the interaction with other people, talking, sharing ideas, emotions, events, and currently, in modern times, social networks have become the biggest platforms for social interaction, where people from all over the world can get together and by affinity and share your common goals. It is possible to identify that in the city of Santa Cruz, the advent of the social network Instagram has been giving good results to users who use these devices to publicize their ventures, so it becomes an interesting study objective, to probe how much this network has been helping the company Hélio Silva Fotografias and also analyzing how this tool has made the company stand out among local competitors. The methodology presented in this article is a qualitative analysis, in view of an analysis of the previous and subsequent situation of using the Instagram tool in a small company. According to the questionnaire made in the article, it is possible to conclude that Instagram is a great platform for entrepreneurs who wish to have a closer contact with their customers through its tools, whether with posts, stories, comments, direct. With a good knowledge of digital marketing, the social network has great potential to assist in the growth of the entrepreneur and in the expansion of the business, it can offer a more attractive reach than other methods of communication and highlight the company's brand in the market.


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How to Cite

Costa, M. de A. ., & Brito, M. L. de A. . (2020). Using the instagram tool to drive the growth of a small business . E-Acadêmica, 1(2), e8. Retrieved from


