Internationalization of Higher Education in two public universities in Mozambique: A comparative study




Internationalization; Higher Education; Quality of Teaching.


The internationalization of Higher Education is a set of programs that universities adopt to respond to internal and external policies in the field of training (teachers and students), academic exchange, and academic mobility among other demands imposed by globalization. Thus, Atkinson describes Higher Education Internationalization as one way a country responds to globalization’s impact, respecting the nation's individuality. The study aims to lead to an understanding of the contribution of the Internationalization of Higher Education to the quality of Education in Mozambique and specifically; to identify the objectives of the Internationalization of Higher Education, it also describes the evolution and presents the contribution of the internationalization of Higher Education in Mozambique. The research is qualitative, and data collection was based on semi-structured interviews. As for the nature it is applied; in terms of objectives, it is descriptive, and in terms of bibliographical procedures, documentary, and comparative research. The study covers two public universities, located in the Nampula province in the Napepine and Marrere neighborhoods, respectively. Therefore, through the testimonies, as well as the analysis made of documents collected in the field, such as the Strategic Plan of the two public universities and the maps of cooperation relations with institutions inside and outside the country, they cement the idea that internationalization is an important mechanism to ensure that HEIs are increasingly quality institutions.


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How to Cite

Santos, M. G. dos ., Angst, F. A. ., Francisco, O. A. G. ., & Chichava, B. T. . (2024). Internationalization of Higher Education in two public universities in Mozambique: A comparative study. E-Acadêmica, 5(3), e2253591.



Teaching and Education Sciences