Bruxism in children with Down Syndrome: Literature review


  • Carolina Rodrigues Centro Universitário das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas
  • Elild Lais da Silva Oliveira Centro Universitário das Faculdades Metropolitanas Unidas



Child; Down's Syndrome; Bruxism.


This work aims to understand the correlation between bruxism and children with Down Syndrome, carrying out a literature review through selected articles rich in content about children with Down syndrome, bruxism, its causes and characteristics, consequences and treatments. To carry out this work, 25 articles were used, extracted from the following databases: VHL; PubMed, SCIELO and Google Scholar. Down syndrome, nowadays, is the main cause of intellectual disability in the population. It is a genetic change and there is no cure, but its diagnosis can be made before and after birth, through tests. People with Down syndrome have very specific characteristics, such as their face and intellect. Some changes culminate in others, such as bruxism, which is more prevalent in children with Down syndrome, as they present characteristics such as underdevelopment of the central nervous system, among other aspects. This parafunctional activity is characterized by the habit of grinding or clenching teeth, causing tooth wear as a consequence and may even trigger misalignment of the TMJ (temporomandibular joint) with frequent movement of the joint and masticatory muscles. Bruxism is more common at night in most of the population, but in patients with Down syndrome, this change predominates during wakefulness. We conclude that bruxism has a higher prevalence in children with Down syndrome due to several physiological and psychological factors, such as chronic anxiety, immunological deficiency, malocclusion of the upper and lower arch causing changes in the positioning of the teeth and auditory sensory stimulation, among others. Acrylic resin plates are used as the main dental treatment, which act to protect the teeth from wear and dampen the friction of the two arches. In addition to the protective plates, the treatment involves a multidisciplinary team, involving psychologists, pediatricians and pediatric dentists.


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How to Cite

Rodrigues, C. ., & Oliveira, E. L. da S. . (2024). Bruxism in children with Down Syndrome: Literature review . E-Acadêmica, 5(2), e0252544.



Health and Biological Sciences