The influence of advertising on consumers' purchase decisions for Colgate toothpaste




Design strategies; Advertising campaigns; Purchasing decision process; Toothpaste.


This scientific article aims to study the influence of advertising on the purchasing decision of consumers of Colgate toothpaste. In order to understand this influence, the overall objective is to evaluate the design strategies of Colgate's advertising campaigns in the city of Nampula, with three specific objectives including the identification, analysis, and evaluation of these strategies, highlighting their impact on the purchasing decision process of the brand's toothpaste in the mentioned city. To achieve these objectives, exploratory data were collected from the Customer Development Manager of Colgate through an exploratory interview. Additionally, 435 consumers aged 18 and above, who were exposed to Colgate advertising in Nampula, were surveyed. The obtained data were processed using the seven-stage model proposed by (Blackwell, Miniard, & Engel, 2005). Data analysis revealed that all respondents had encountered Colgate toothpaste advertising and demonstrated knowledge about product variants, colors, and related information. It was found that advertising campaigns significantly influence their purchasing decisions regarding Colgate toothpaste. The preference for purchase is primarily focused on supermarkets, stalls, and grocery stores. Purchase motivations include the presence of natural ingredients, affordable price, proven effectiveness through oral health education, perceived benefits, brand trust, and these consumers recommend the use of Colgate toothpaste to friends and family.


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How to Cite

Francisco, O. A. G. ., Miguel, J. ., & Banze, N. de J. . (2024). The influence of advertising on consumers’ purchase decisions for Colgate toothpaste. E-Acadêmica, 5(1), e0451534.



Human, Social and Educational Sciences