Management of erosive tooth wear




Tooth wear; Tooth erosion; Non-carious lesions.


Erosive tooth wear is an oral health problem that worries clinicians and researchers worldwide. The aim of this study is to describe, through a literature review, the erosive tooth wear management. This problem is a challenge for dental surgeons, especially when it reaches more advanced stages, which can cause loss of dental and aesthetic function, as well as generate hypersensitivity to the patient. To prevent the progression of this problem focusing into preventive measures, such as guidelines for feeding and oral hygiene, the dental surgeon must perform early diagnosis to minimize erosive tooth wear damage.


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How to Cite

Maltarollo, T. F. H. ., Domingues, L. de O. ., Pedron, I. G. ., Hughes Júnior, G. B. ., Pais, K. dos S. ., Araújo, G. P. M. C. de ., & Shitsuka, C. (2021). Management of erosive tooth wear. E-Acadêmica, 2(3), e112346.



Health and Biological Sciences