Cryptocurrencies and the national financial system: discussing the Brazilian debate




National Financial System; Cryptocurrencies; Brazil; Regulation.


The core of the present study is the analysis of the National Financial System in light of the impact of cryptocurrencies on the traditional financial market. The research is of the case study type and asked how cryptocurrency structures the SFN, from its component bodies and their respective attributions. The historical aspects of the SFN and the competencies of its entities were explored, unpacking concepts and presenting the institutions that are part of its scope, raising the importance of regulating digital assets as a new type of investment that has emerged in the global market, bringing up concepts, specifications and normative frameworks to serve as a basis, grounding and delimiting the theme under study. As results it was discussed the new law that instituted the regulation of cryptocurrencies, derivations and adverse situations.


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How to Cite

Fontgalland, I. L. ., Menezes , L. T. R. C. M. de ., & Félix, A. C. T. . (2023). Cryptocurrencies and the national financial system: discussing the Brazilian debate . E-Acadêmica, 4(1), e1541425.



Human, Social and Educational Sciences