Behavior changes and influence of the metaverse on brand positioning




Metaverse; 5G; Brand positioning; Digital world influence; Behavior change.


The constant social evolution and the reality experienced in each historical period in fact portray the processes experienced and the increased access to technology, in conjunction with the growing evolution of the business scenario. We envision that the most important knowledge in organizations is linked to their managers, big brands are evolving technologically to the cyber world. As a goal, we will address how the administrative world will include this innovation in the business world, with the help of the 5G network that brings speed to this navigation. This article, made use of the virtual environment with the support of books and scientific articles, must emphasize the conscious use of the internet, always paying attention to virtual environments where information security and data reliability can be guaranteed. To compose this literature review, a search was conducted between August and November for scientific material related to the main Administration databases, such as Google Scholar and E-Academic. We selected 22 articles and books with full texts available that were related to the proposed theme, based on works published in the last 23 years, since we sought to address the origin of the proposed theme. We believe that it is undeniable the fundamental role of technology in the contemporaneity of the technical devices that make communication possible. In this way, we seek to make visible the arrival of the new world, the metaverse is recognized as a new social practice, with ample potential for expansion. 


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How to Cite

Campos, B. F. ., Santos, B. M. F. dos ., & Costa, D. H. (2022). Behavior changes and influence of the metaverse on brand positioning. E-Acadêmica, 3(3), e6933356.



Human, Social and Educational Sciences