Technological growth: a Brazil-World evolution and re-adaptation after COVID-19




Evolution; Internet access; Readapting technology; Technological innovation.


The year of 2020 became known as the year of the COVID-19 pandemic. This pandemic has been changing the socioeconomic structures of the world and the educational institutions in Brazil, halting face-to-face activities as time progressed in response to the social distancing measures. Arising from an early perspective of growth, Brazil had to take a leap of faith in readapting itself to the set conditions. According to the teaching method, technology-mediated learning has gained emphasis and makes room for distinguished human interactions. These teaching practices already existed, but only reached a small scale. Technology had to reshape its manners to comfort the demand and the new health requirements. This article presents and discusses the Brazilian perspectives on the challenges and opportunities for the use of new and readapting technologies for the evolution and survival of the pandemic.  The main results imply that the enactment of digital inclusion policies seeking to reduce regional inequalities of internet access is a necessary condition for any online teaching strategy to flourish and that technological innovation is parallel to the time progression of the world’s condition.


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How to Cite

Fontgalland Filho , G., & Fontgalland, I. L. . (2021). Technological growth: a Brazil-World evolution and re-adaptation after COVID-19. E-Acadêmica, 2(3), e022333.


