Epidemiological overview of hepatitis C and B in pregnant in the state of Sergipe between 2016-2020





Hepatitis B; Hepatitis C; Hepatitis Viral Human; Pregnant women.


Introduction: Viral hepatitis is a major public health problem, with high morbidity and mortality, however it is still largely neglected. In the pregnant population, infections by viral hepatitis types B and C (HBV and HBC) stand out due to the possibility of vertical transmission and possible maternal-fetal damage, which is why both are part of prenatal serological screening. Thus, the objective of the present work is to analyze the clinical-epidemiological characteristics of Hepatitis B and C in pregnant women in the state of Sergipe in the period 2016-2020. Methods: The work refers to a descriptive, quantitative cross-sectional study of time and space series. The data used were taken from the national database, available on the website of the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System (DATASUS). Results and discussion: In the evaluated period, 79 pregnant women were diagnosed with viral hepatitis, 68 with the HBV virus and 8 with the HCV virus, mostly reported in the city of Aracaju. The highest number of infected pregnant women was observed in the second trimester of the gestational period, with a variation of 10-39 years, in which the chronic clinical form was the most common. Conclusion: It was observed that the epidemiological pattern of hepatitis B and C in pregnant women in the state of Sergipe is a reflection of the cases throughout Brazil. In addition, it is clear that despite active research during prenatal care being an opportunity for diagnosis, programs that aim at an earlier diagnosis in the general population are still needed.


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How to Cite

Luna, B. C. de ., Nogueira, M. de P. ., Oliveira , A. T. de ., & Sousa, T. A. C. de . (2022). Epidemiological overview of hepatitis C and B in pregnant in the state of Sergipe between 2016-2020 . E-Acadêmica, 3(3), e3733321. https://doi.org/10.52076/eacad-v3i3.321



Health and Biological Sciences