Paulo Freire's constructions for postmodern education




Education; School; Postmodern.


This research is a contextualization and review of concepts related to Paulo Freira's construction of post-modern education. The objective is to reflect on Paulo Freire's contribution to this new, post-modern society.  The research is qualitative with bibliographic resources. Throughout his work, Paulo Freire encourages emancipatory education, where autonomy is the key to forming a citizen who is conscious and free to think and act. The role of the school today is important in the face of so many changes. Questioning whether the school is taking on other roles that should be taken on by the family or by the educational policy society. Facing so many changes that have already occurred, the school has changed in several aspects and embraced several new situations; but many times it is not aware of them, or is not prepared to solve them, such as: school dropout, failure, lack of commitment from the family and society, leading the teacher to play different roles within the school, even though many times he/she doesn't have time to take on so many responsibilities. School should be a place of knowledge, it should prepare the student to read the world where he is inserted, it needs to show new horizons, awaken in the student the desire to learn more and more, and with more independence. Paulo Freire's contribution remains alive in all his works.


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How to Cite

Carvalho, A. dos S. M. de ., Merísio, V. de S. ., Jagobucci, L. A. ., Cellin, J. ., Silva, R. dos R. da ., Altoé, J. D. ., & Menezes, S. da S. . (2022). Paulo Freire’s constructions for postmodern education. E-Acadêmica, 3(2), e8832248.



Human, Social and Educational Sciences