Education as a Social Right: reserve of the possible X the existential minimum




Education; Social Law; Reservation of the Possible X Existential Minimum.


The 1988 Constitution enshrined education as a social right, therefore, it is up to the Brazilian State to provide access and permanence to all students. Despite the constitutional norm, questions about the efficiency, effectiveness and applicability of social rights remain current, especially in education, where mitigation based on the principle/theory of the existential minimum has been applied. Thus, the general objective of this article is to confront the treatment aligned by the State to education from the perspective of judicialization. In order to do so, we resort to a documentary research of the constitutional text and the decision of the Federal Supreme Court in the case of the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality by Omission nº 1.698/2010, and also the bibliographic review of Machiavelli, Burke, Hegel and Montesquieu, J.J. Canotilho, José Afonso da Silva, Clarice Seixas Duarte. Among the results and discussions presented, it is confirmed that education, as a social right, cannot be limited to the obstacles of the reservation of the possible by the State.


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How to Cite

Bentes , H. da C. ., & Souza , M. de F. M. de . (2022). Education as a Social Right: reserve of the possible X the existential minimum. E-Acadêmica, 3(2), e6132232.



Human, Social and Educational Sciences