Class representative: A reference in the development of child and youth protagonism




Protagonism; School; Leadership; Teaching.


The present study was developed at the Augusto de Carvalho Municipal School, located in the district of Resende / RJ, an initiative of the Educational Guidance Service / SOE, with the pedagogue Rosimar Alencar Silva as responsible. The purpose of the article is to present, discuss and reflect on actions that contribute to the school organization through committed leaders who are positive influencers, in order to promote child and youth leadership. Understanding that contemporary society has changed dramatically in every way and requires critical-reflective citizens and know how to know, live, do and be. A work of participatory action research was developed to train new leaders. Thinking about the relevance of the subject, and after analyzing the context of the Augusto de Carvalho school, it was found that in all its previous history there was no election of class representatives. So, knowing the benefits of having children and young protagonists as an ally, we organized, together with the teachers, the first election of representatives with students from the 4th and 5th year of the initial years and the 6th and 7th year of the final years. This was an important milestone in the life of our school. After the elections, a continuous training course called, Committed Leadership, was offered, where students received mini lectures with the relevant topics


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How to Cite

Barbosa , R. A. S. ., Shitsuka, R., & Barbosa, K. F. S. . (2021). Class representative: A reference in the development of child and youth protagonism. E-Acadêmica, 2(1), e032121.



Human, Social and Educational Sciences