The challenges of the microentrepreneur: a post-Covid-19 pandemic analysis




Teaching; Financial difficulties; Microentrepreneurs; Covid-19 pandemic.


This article refers to the challenges faced during the pandemic period that we are experiencing in the world and the impacts generated in the lives of micro and small companies. The year 2020 marked the history of humanity with the emergence of one of the worst events that hit the world and negatively affected the economy, including in Brazil. The pandemic caused by the Coronavirus (Covid-19), forcing several sectors of the economy to reinvent themselves, in the face of the numerous challenges imposed by the consequences of the virus in the entire production and consumer chain, leading them to innovation or even bankruptcy. The objective is to discuss strategies through the limitations imposed by social isolation. To compose this literature review, a search was carried out between February and May, for scientific material related to the main Administration Bases, through databases such as: Google Scholar. Articles and books were selected with full text available that were related to the proposed theme, written in Portuguese, in consultation with administrative methodological bases, based on works published in the last 02 years. Initially, around 7,130 results of articles were listed with the respective keywords: Covid-19 Pandemic; Financial difficulties; Microentrepreneurs. where 16 of these were chosen at random, but that were directly linked to the theme of this work. We believe that digital marketing strategies are consolidated as a reality in the current market, configuring themselves as a fast, cheap and effective way for companies with a lower investment degree to leverage their revenues. In other words, technological advancement remains the best alternative for entrepreneurs.


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How to Cite

Santos, A. B. dos ., Santos, C. S. E. dos ., & Costa, D. H. . (2022). The challenges of the microentrepreneur: a post-Covid-19 pandemic analysis. E-Acadêmica, 3(2), e3132169.



Human, Social and Educational Sciences