The new normal: The evolution of home-office and hybrid work post peak of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic crisis




Home-office; Hybrid; Remote work; COVID-19; Teaching.


Introduction: The year 2020 had its beginning marked by a pandemic crisis, caused by the SARS-CoV-2, popularly known as COVID-19, where many people had the courses of their lives changed, since companies had to adapt to the new concept of telework or home-office, due to restriction and as a measure to contain the virus, social isolation would be paramount, we will observe advantages and disadvantages in this modality of work. OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the evolution of teleworking or hybrid work after the peak of the pandemic crisis. Methodology: To compose this literature review, a search was carried out between February and May, for scientific material related to the main Administration Bases, through databases such as: Google Scholar. Articles and books, written in Portuguese, were selected based on works published in the last 2 years. Initially, around 7,130 results of articles were listed with the respective ones, where 18 of these were chosen randomly, but are directly linked to the theme of this work. Final Considerations: The pandemic was extremely challenging for everyone, and within the scope of work considered "normal", we had the rise of HO work, which would later become a hybrid, great were the challenges for companies to achieve through technology to offer this possibility of work to their employees, and on the other hand, there were many advantages and disadvantages faced by these workers, who in my point of view had more advantages than disadvantages and now after the pandemic peak we observe that many companies, in fact, remained with this new mode of work.


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How to Cite

Santos, L. A. dos ., & Costa, D. H. . (2022). The new normal: The evolution of home-office and hybrid work post peak of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic crisis. E-Acadêmica, 3(2), e1632151.



Human, Social and Educational Sciences