Endodontic retreatment: a literature review of the last 18 years





Endodontic retreatment; Rotatory instruments; Endodontic disobturation.


Conventional endodontic retreatment is a form of endodontic manipulation that has the functions of solubilizing and removing filling material, disinfecting and remodeling the channels and placing a new endodontic sealant in the created space. The search for patients for endodontic retreatment in dental offices is frequent. In view of the failure of conventional retreatment, periapical surgery is the surgical modality indicated for the purpose of removing the etiological agent of the periradicular region with periapical disease. However, the professional dentist must perform a good clinical and radiographic examination to select cases suitable for endodontic retreatment. Although conventional endodontic retreatment is a costly procedure, there is a great predictability of endodontic success, except in cases of persistent perirradicular lesions. With the advent of modernity, there was an improvement in rotational endodontic instruments for exclusive use during retreatment. It can be concluded that no technique employed during the debridement of the conduits was efficient in completely removing the gutta-percha. The purpose of this paper is to review the literature on the subject of conventional endodontic retreatment.


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How to Cite

Pereira, L. de A. . (2022). Endodontic retreatment: a literature review of the last 18 years. E-Acadêmica, 3(1), e123197. https://doi.org/10.52076/eacad-v3i1.97



Health and Biological Sciences