Dentistry applied in intensive care unit




Dentisty; Intensive Care Unit; Oral Hygiene.


The main objective of this work is to verify the importance that the multidisciplinary team and oral hygiene protocols and the dental practice within the ICUs, demonstrates how the care related to the patient under mechanical ventilation has been more frequent, and considering the humanized proposal of providing the hospitalized patient integrated care and oral care in an appropriate and individualized way, providing a better quality of life. Bill No. 16,860.2018, which makes the presence of dentistry mandatory in the multidisciplinary team of Intensive Care Units (ICUs) of public or private clinics and hospitals, dental care and health promotion practices help to prevent or restore the disease. systemic condition of the patient and contributing to the reduction of respiratory infections and the reduction of the use of drugs with antibiotics and reduction of nasocomial pneumonia, guiding nursing professionals on how to properly perform oral cleaning. Through the bibliographic review, describe hospital dentistry in an Intensive Care Unit and oral adequacy care during hospital stay.


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How to Cite

Silva, R. R. da ., & Seroli, W. (2022). Dentistry applied in intensive care unit. E-Acadêmica, 3(1), e083194.


