Differences between Ethics and Morals





Concept; Ethic; Moral; Differences; Brazil.


Ethics is a relevant theme in several areas of knowledge, promoting reflections about its scope, concept, its differences in relation to the concept of morality and its existence or non-existence in the current Brazilian society. From this perspective, the present study aims to analyze the concept, scope, the relationship with morality and the existence or non-existence in the Brazilian social context of Ethics. To this end, a bibliographic research was used. Discussions and results are divided into three topics, namely: Ethics, scope and concept; Differences between Ethics and morals, Ethics in Brazil and the author's conclusions and impressions, in the final considerations.


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How to Cite

Anchieta, G. O. dos S. ., Carvalho, A. dos S. M. de ., Albuquerque, L. F. da S. ., Souto, P. F. ., Silva, L. C. de A. ., & Araujo, P. Q. . (2022). Differences between Ethics and Morals. E-Acadêmica, 3(1), e053183. https://doi.org/10.52076/eacad-v3i1.83



Human, Social and Educational Sciences