Inferior Alveolar Nerve Paresthesia associated with third molar surgery


  • Queren Hapuque Quezia dos Reis Bezerra Universidade Brasil
  • Débora Ellen Amorim de Souza Universidade Brasil
  • Lais Aragão Bandeira Universidade Brasil
  • Thalitta Fiamma da Silva Bezerra Universidade Brasil
  • Paulo Roberto Gromatzky Universidade Brasil



Lower alveolar nerve; Paresthesias; Injury; Lower third molar.


Paresthesia of the Lower Alveolar Nerve has as a cause, some possible damage to the NAI when performing a surgery of lower third molars extraction, which is one of the causes, addressing and discussing this topic is extremely important for knowledge and less occurrence. of iatrogenic injury of the Dentist to NAI. This literature review aims to address the anatomical knowledge of the NAI in relation to the oral cavity and the teeth that will be extracted, factors that may cause, such as prevention and therapy if it occurs.


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How to Cite

Bezerra, Q. H. Q. dos R. ., Souza, D. E. A. de ., Bandeira, L. A., Bezerra, T. F. da S. ., & Gromatzky, P. R. . (2021). Inferior Alveolar Nerve Paresthesia associated with third molar surgery. E-Acadêmica, 2(3), e162373.



Health and Biological Sciences