Diversificaton in the energy sector: the case of Raízen





Energy; Raízen; Joint Venture; Diversification; Economics.


Raízen is one of the largest companies in the energy sector and covers several areas of the sector through joint venture partnerships. The cut is modern, based on the change in the Brazilian energy matrix with Renovabio as a milestone. The purpose of this case study is to present the evolution of Raízen Energy, from the joint venture action to the present day, highlighting the company's diversification and expansion processes in Brazil. In the highlighted scenario, it is important to observe Raízen's insertion in the renewable energy market, as well as its production, which ranges from sugar to the commercialization of fuel and the production of electricity. This case study is divided into three sections, the first being introductory, the second relating to methodological procedures, and the last section brings the discussions on the results obtained on the diversification and expansion processes in this study.


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How to Cite

Freire, A. Ítalo ., & Fontgalland, I. L. . (2021). Diversificaton in the energy sector: the case of Raízen. E-Acadêmica, 2(3), e282362. https://doi.org/10.52076/eacad-v2i3.62


