Internal communication strategy to motivate employees in the performance of their duties


  • Muanarifa Ali Mussa Universidade Católica de Moçambique
  • Grécia da Nina Eugénio Universidade Católica de Moçambique



Strategies; Internal Communication; Motivation; Collaborators; Functions.


The internal communication strategy is to motivate employees to perform their duties. The topic has gained traction within organizations, particularly due to its ability to motivate and encourage employee job satisfaction, which leads to higher levels of commitment and more positive results. Internal communication is now understood from a strategic perspective within contemporary organizations, as it is through communication that information regarding the organization's objectives is transmitted to employees, given their role in achieving them, and systematically influencing the attitudes and behaviors of employees, building a mutual relationship to improve the organization's results. This research aimed to analyze the internal communication strategies for employee motivation. Specific objective: To identify the internal communication strategies used in the institution; to describe the actions that contribute to employee motivation; to relate the internal communication strategies and the motivational actions. Therefore, the methodology used in this article sought to analyze and interpret the existing literature, such as the pathology of shoulder impingement syndrome, and used secondary sources such as research in articles in databases in social sciences, which addressed the proposed theme. For data collection, bibliographic research was used, which was done from the survey of theoretical references already analyzed and published in written and electronic media, such as books, and scientific articles, among others.


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How to Cite

Mussa, M. A., & Eugénio, G. da N. (2025). Internal communication strategy to motivate employees in the performance of their duties. E-Acadêmica, 6(1), e0661618.



Human, Social and Educational Sciences