Influence of the decline in banking services for small town commerce



Services; Bank of Brazil; Trade


The purpose of this article is to discuss the influence of diminished banking services for small town commerce. The methodology of the study in question is qualitative, being an analysis carried out in the commerce of the city of Acari-RN. As a result, the study reveals that Banco do Brasil was one of the precursors to the low profitability of these traders, given that this is linked to the fact that there is little circulation of money in the city after the mentioned fact. Finally, the study concludes that the loss of the bank's services, negatively influenced local commerce and, at times, caused the enrichment of residents of other cities. There is also the fact that the elderly were the most affected by not having access to digital content that may at some point be a substitute for physical money.


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How to Cite

Barbalho, P. R. M. ., & Brito, M. L. de A. . (2020). Influence of the decline in banking services for small town commerce . E-Acadêmica, 1(2), e6. Retrieved from


