Contributions of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) to the Success of SMEs




Strategic management; Organizational development; Innovation; Administration.


The general objective of this article is to describe the impact of the contributions of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) to the success of SME’s. Methodologically, this research is essentially basic, adopting a purely qualitative approach. The interpretation of preferences and attribution of meanings play a crucial role in the research process, in this context, not requiring the application of statistical methods and techniques, since the composition of the present work is based on previously published literary materials, from sources by recognized authors in the field. This allows the researcher to be in direct contact with relevant information, already conditional on the topic, enabling a more in-depth and detailed analysis. Regarding the objectives, this research can be defined as descriptive, as it seeks to understand the relevance of the Balanced Scorecard as a tool for the success of SME’s, explore the benefits of implementing the Balanced Scorecard for the success of SME’s, explain the process the implementation of the Balanced Scorecard for the success of SME’s. Emerging as a necessary approach for the strategic management of SME’s, by providing a structured system that integrates financial and non-financial objectives, ensuring greater alignment between strategy and operations. The BSC application makes it possible to identify organizational priorities, improve internal and external communication, and create an environment conducive to continuous learning and innovation.


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How to Cite

Sousa, Y. V. S. de ., & Sousa, P. C. S. de . (2025). Contributions of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) to the Success of SMEs. E-Acadêmica, 6(1), e0161599.



Human, Social and Educational Sciences