Quality management in the architectural coatings sector: the case study of Tintas Coral





Paints; Environment; Certifications.


Founded in 1954, Tintas Coral is a company that has been in the Brazilian paint market for over 50 years, with more than 1,200 employees distributed in its two facilities. It is recognized worldwide for excellence in innovation, technology and customer satisfaction. Since 2008, it belongs to the Dutch group AkzoNobel, founded in 1792, producer of paints and coatings with customers in over 150 countries and a group of 35,000 people. We will approach, through the case study methodology, questions about the impacts that this industrial segment can cause (whether positive or negative) in the social and environmental scope, besides knowing the quality certifications and environmental policies that Tintas Coral presents, citing the result of this on the market.


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How to Cite

Campos, E. M. ., & Fontgalland, I. L. . (2021). Quality management in the architectural coatings sector: the case study of Tintas Coral. E-Acadêmica, 2(3), e202359. https://doi.org/10.52076/eacad-v2i3.59


