Implications of using Active Methods in the Teaching and Learning process with a focus on Group Work


  • Renato Vasco Luís Subuana Universidade Católica de Moçambique
  • Felipe Angst Universidade Católica de Moçambique
  • Osvaldo Afonso Gabriel Francisco Universidade Católica de Moçambique



Active methods; Teaching and learning process; Group work; Teacher training; Teaching.


This investigation focuses on the implications of using active methods in the teaching and learning process (group work). What factors contribute to the application of active methods in the teaching and learning process, focusing on the group work method? This study aimed to understand the implications of sharing active methods in the teaching and learning process (Group Work). We intend to present a report on the teaching-learning experience of some recently graduated teachers from IFPs in the province of Niassa. From the experiences lived in schools in the province of Niassa in 2022, we found that 85% of the classes taught by recent graduates from teacher training schools, where some of them do not create opportunities or spaces for students to learn among themselves, with some students being considered as inactive individuals in the teaching-learning process, thus contributing to the weakening of student reasoning and low pedagogical performance. A fact that contradicts the recommendations received at the time of their training as a fundamental vector, respect for the learner, who is the student, and creation of space using active methodologies to ensure that the learner can learn how to learn, but mediated by the teacher in ways that the student is not seen as someone who does not know and without the teacher in the classroom, she becomes inactive and without any progression.


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How to Cite

Subuana, R. V. L. ., Angst, F. ., & Francisco, O. A. G. . (2024). Implications of using Active Methods in the Teaching and Learning process with a focus on Group Work. E-Acadêmica, 5(3), e1353570.



Human, Social and Educational Sciences