Methodologies applied in Performing Arts, Portuguese Language Teaching, and Journalism Courses: Experiences using technology




Digital technologies; Teaching-learning; Collaborative tools; Engagement.


The objective of this article is to explore the impact of digital technologies on the teaching-learning process in courses of Performing Arts, Portuguese Language Teaching, and Journalism at a public higher education institution in Mozambique. Using an interpretative paradigm, the research followed a semester (March to June 2024), involving three classes composed of students aged between 18 and 30 years, familiar with digital technologies. Through participatory observation, tools such as Kahoot, Mentimeter, Padlet, and Canva were implemented to increase engagement and the quality of academic productions. Kahoot promoted interactive reviews in Performing Arts, while Mentimeter and Padlet facilitated collaboration in Portuguese Language Teaching. In Journalism, Canva played a central role in creating visual presentations. Data collection through direct observations and student feedback revealed a significant increase in participation, especially in interactive activities. Academic productions also showed improvements in qualitative and creative levels, especially in Journalism and Performing Arts courses. This research highlights that the inclusion of digital technologies enriches active learning and prepares students for the challenges of the digital age.


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How to Cite

Matusse, A. P. X. ., Barbosa, A., Angst, F. ., & Francisco, O. A. G. . (2024). Methodologies applied in Performing Arts, Portuguese Language Teaching, and Journalism Courses: Experiences using technology. E-Acadêmica, 5(3), e0653561.



Human, Social and Educational Sciences