Considerations on pulp revascularization of endodontic interest




Regenerative endodontic; Tooth apex; Dental pulp necrosis; Root canal therapy; Drug administration.


Teeth with incomplete apical formation undergo a process of pulp mortification, and dentin formation is interrupted, with suspended root growth and no apical closure. The objective of this research was to evaluate publications between 2019 and 2024, using a literature review with the MEDELINE/Pubmed and Scopus databases, whose selected criteria were the type of clinical cases and systematic reviews comparing the diagnosis, procedures, efficiency, and benefits of pulp revascularization compared to the use of new substances and methodologies in teeth with incomplete rhizogenesis and pulp necrosis. Two reviewers included 57 studies according to predefined selection criteria, with 28 publications meeting the inclusion criteria. From this review regarding revascularization, it is possible to infer that sodium hypochlorite in different concentrations, chlorhexidine gluconate, triple antibiotic paste such as ciprofloxacin and metronidazole, and calcium hydroxide represent agents that promote root canal disinfection. The use of MTA combined with other products, such as PRP, PRF, calcium hydroxide and chlorhexidine gel, blood clot regenerative endodontic protocol and the blood clot + injectable structure group or these alone represent material that, in contact with the blood clot, promotes thickening of the dentin walls, elongation of the roots and closure of the root apex. Stimulating apical bleeding with files is an essential maneuver in the formation of a clot within the canal. The newly formed tissues in the canals are fibrous, cementum or similar to bone along the dentin walls.


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How to Cite

Medeiros, J. M. F. de ., Cantelle, E. R., Galhardo, G. B., Zanetti, G. de O., Cordeschi, T., & Shitsuka, C. (2024). Considerations on pulp revascularization of endodontic interest. E-Acadêmica, 5(3), e0353559.



Health and Biological Sciences