Factors associated with recurrence of proximal femur fractures in the elderly





Fractures; Femur; Proximal; Osteoporosis; Aging.


The majority of fractures in elderly people over 75 years of age occur in the proximal femur and are mainly associated with low-energy trauma. These injuries negatively impact the physical, mental, functional and social balance of the elderly, being important factors in morbidity and mortality. The present study, based on an integrative review of the literature, sought to evaluate the main factors related to proximal femur fractures in the elderly. After evaluating the articles, a significant relationship was evidenced between the alteration of the systems responsible for balance, the reduction in muscle strength and the loss of flexibility, in addition to the decline in the quality of the joints and muscle tone, with the occurrence of femur fractures. Furthermore, diseases such as systemic arterial hypertension, sedentary lifestyle and the presence of slippery floors in homes also increase the occurrence of these fractures. Furthermore, low bone mineral density is seen as the greatest sensitive predictor of fractures in several studies and osteoporosis is the most relevant factor in fractures of the proximal third of the femur. Therefore, it is clear that physiological aging is an important risk factor for the occurrence of femoral fractures. In addition, the existence of comorbidities makes the risk of these injuries even greater. This fact highlights the importance of multidisciplinary monitoring of the elderly and encouraging the practice of resistance physical exercise, associated with the control of chronic diseases, in reducing the incidence of proximal femur fractures.


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How to Cite

Cemin, K. N., Cembranel, L. C. ., Pereira, M. E. B. D. ., Angonese, R. C. ., & Mantovani, V. B. . (2024). Factors associated with recurrence of proximal femur fractures in the elderly. E-Acadêmica, 5(2), e0952555. https://doi.org/10.52076/eacad-v5i2.555



Health and Biological Sciences