Stress fractures in triathletes




Stress fractures; Athletes; Resistance exercise; Injuries in athletes; Fractures.


Stress fractures are bone injuries resulting from excessive repetitive loading on the bone, commonly observed in high-performance athletes. With the increasing interest in physical activities and high-performance sports such as triathlon, there has been a rise in the number of stress fracture cases, mainly in the lower limbs, particularly in the tibia, fibula, and humerus. The aim of this study is to discuss stress fractures in triathletes, highlighting risk factors, injury mechanisms, treatment, and prevention. Thus, this work gathered scientific articles available on online platforms such as PubMed, Scielo, and Science Direct, in journals like Brazilian Journals and Elsevier, and in books such as Thieme Revinter to conduct a narrative literature review. These fractures occur due to cyclic physical overload without adequate periods for repair and recovery. It is important to discuss stress fractures in triathletes considering the growing interest in sports, especially in this modality, and the fact that in many cases, athletes lack proper professional supervision.


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How to Cite

Cemin, K. N., Cembranel, L. C. ., Pereira, M. E. B. D. ., Angonese, R. C., & Mantovani , V. B. . (2024). Stress fractures in triathletes. E-Acadêmica, 5(2), e0552549.



Health and Biological Sciences