Analysis of the epidemiological profile of patients diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder in west Paraná




Autism; Multidisciplinary care team; Clinical epidemiology.


Introduction: Autism was first described as a behavioral syndrome, characterized by changes in language and communication, social relationships and cognitive processes that were not consistent with age. Its etiology is considered complex and multifactorial. Objectives: It aims to outline the profile of patients with autism spectrum disorder, correlating comorbidities, ongoing medications, age, sex, multidisciplinary treatment. Methodology: The research has a descriptive character with a quantitative approach, of the documentary type, retrospective, cross-sectional and analytical cohort, carried out through patient records from, from January 1, 2020 to December 31, 2022, in a health care center. specialized public health in the municipality of Cascavel/PR. 95 medical records were used in the research. Result: There was a predominance of males with 84.2% of patients, age at diagnosis between 01-03 years with 42.4% of patients. There is a multidisciplinary team that cares for the patients in question, including psychologists, nutritionists and speech therapists who are part of this structure. It is clear that among medications for continuous use there is a predominance of the use of antipsychotics, with 71.5% of patients using this medication. In addition, 55.8% of patients associated a language disorder with autism. Conclusion: Knowledge about the profile of patients with autism spectrum disorder, such as age, sex, presence of comorbidities, ongoing medications, treatment with a multidisciplinary team helps the medical team to better manage this individual and search for new diagnostic and therapeutic methods for this patient.


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How to Cite

Grando, A. B. ., & Clivati, M. R. . (2024). Analysis of the epidemiological profile of patients diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder in west Paraná. E-Acadêmica, 5(1), e0651530.



Health and Biological Sciences