The fundamental role of technologists and Radiology technicians in Forensic investigations




Radiology; Radiology technologist; Radiology technician; Legal medicine.


Forensic Radiology is an area of forensic medicine that uses imaging techniques to investigate crimes, helps identify injuries, analyze remains and even reconstruct events, it is a crucial combination between medicine and criminal investigation. The motivating question for the study was: “What is the justification for the lack of radiology technicians and technologists working in the forensic imaging sectors?” From this, the objective of this article arises, which is to try to study the reason for the lack of radiology technicians and technologists in the forensic imaging sectors. To achieve the objective of this work, an exploratory, qualitative study of narrative literature review was carried out. Professionals in radiological techniques in forensic investigation are responsible for using conventional X-ray, computed tomography and magnetic resonance equipment to assist in analyzing evidence and identifying injuries. They play a key role in obtaining valuable information for solving crimes. It is a very interesting area that requires technical skills and specialized knowledge where unfortunately there is a lack of these professionals in forensic institutions.


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How to Cite

Vergara, C. S. de A. (2024). The fundamental role of technologists and Radiology technicians in Forensic investigations . E-Acadêmica, 5(1), e0151528.



Health and Biological Sciences