Identification of cerebral palsy characteristics and correct guidance to improve oral health
Oral health; Cerebral palsy; Oral hygiene.Abstract
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines disability as changes that may be in relation to the body structure or mental functioning. As in other areas of health, adequate dental treatment is necessary to improve the effectiveness and safety of the treatment and establish best clinical practices. Among this classification, are patients with cerebral palsy, who have a higher incidence rate of diseases than the general population. It is up to health professionals to understand that the birth of a child with a disability affects the entire family structure. However, barriers remain with many dentists being reluctant and fearful towards patients with disabilities, the lack of high quality evidence on the barriers faced by children with disabilities will continue to be a challenge for many dentists, however, this issue must be taken seriously to defend the right to health and well-being for these patients, being able to establish a multidisciplinary approach and improve the general state of health, as well as the quality of life. Therefore, the objective of this literature review is to promote the identification of dental, craniofacial and behavioral characteristics to assist in establishing adequate care and guidance for patients and caregivers to prevent the progression of oral anomalies.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Maria Clara Azevedo de Souza; Adriana de Souza Santos; Mariana de Oliveira Besseler; Irineu Gregnanin Pedron ; Caleb Shitsuka; Thais Cordeschi
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