Diseases caused by pulmonary tuberculosis in the last 10 years in the city of Cascavel, Paraná


  • Luiz Exteckoetter Fundação Assis Gurgacz
  • Rubens Griep Fundação Assis Gurgacz




Tuberculosis, pulmonary; Hospitalizations for primary care-sensitive conditions; Health problems caused by pulmonary tuberculosis.


Pulmonary tuberculosis, is a disease caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which affects the lower respiratory tract (lung). Generally, this disease has its treatment management performed by primary health care (PHC), however, some cases of difficult control, such as immunosuppressed or patients who do not make the correct treatment, or the indication of the incorrect treatment passed by the health professional, can lead the patient to seek care in the later health segments, and in more severe cases lead to hospitalizations of these patients. Since it is a disease that should be resolved by PHC, these hospitalizations are called Hospitalizations for primary care-sensitive conditions (HACSC), which is an indicator of good functioning of primary health care for the population, which in addition to demonstrating a failure in public health, exposes patients to greater risk with hospitalizations in hospitals and increases the cost of treatment for the SUS. Therefore this study aims to demonstrate the need for the correct diagnosis of the disease and its appropriate management, thus avoiding aggravations caused by the disease and possible hospitalizations.


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How to Cite

Exteckoetter, L., & Griep, R. (2023). Diseases caused by pulmonary tuberculosis in the last 10 years in the city of Cascavel, Paraná. E-Acadêmica, 4(3), e0643509. https://doi.org/10.52076/eacad-v4i3.509



Health and Biological Sciences