Case report - Direct pulp capping in molar post crown fracture


  • Rafael Freitas de Arruda Universidade Brasil
  • Vinicius Quintas Gonçalves Universidade Brasil
  • José Lucas Martins Universidade Brasil



Pulp capping; Carious lesion; Dental materials; Soft pulp; Crown fracture.


Pulp capping is a dental procedure used in daily clinical practice, but much discussed in dentistry. Some professionals agree that after consciously carrying out a good pulp diagnosis, immediate endodontic treatment would be avoided. The study had as important the maintenance of pulp vitality through direct pulp capping in a young adult patient, who presented pain in element 47. The radiographic examination revealed a radiolucent image suggestive of a carious lesion, which was confirmed by the examination clinical, performed the pulp vitality test with a positive response, a restorative clinical procedure and follow-up for 40 days were performed with the objective of verifying the desired success, which was confirmed through clinical and radiographic tests.


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How to Cite

Arruda, R. F. de ., Gonçalves, V. Q. ., & Martins, J. L. . (2021). Case report - Direct pulp capping in molar post crown fracture . E-Acadêmica, 2(3), e132350.



Health and Biological Sciences