Digital marketing through the Instagram tool



Marketing; Instagram; Influence


This article aims to conduct a critical analysis of the evolution, effectiveness and influence of digital marketing through the Instagram tool, with respect to the respective followers. The methodology of the study in question is qualitative, being an analysis carried out on the page of "@escanteio10", which in turn, is specialized in sports content. As a result, the study reveals that digital marketing through Instagram has been promoting very effective and positive results for companies that seek the same. In addition, influential or digital marketing has been a great ally of organizations that seek to create strong ties with their consumers, as well as revealing that Instagram has been an excellent platform for content creators, who exercise influence. Finally, the study concludes that @ escanteio10 has a good relationship of trust and influence over its followers, for the responsibility of the publications and partnerships that are disclosed by the content creator. It is also observed that the Instagram platform has many tools and updates that facilitate the process of content creators that promote influence marketing.


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How to Cite

Morais, N. S. D. ., & Brito, M. L. de A. . (2020). Digital marketing through the Instagram tool . E-Acadêmica, 1(1), e5. Retrieved from


