Artificial intelligence in industry 4.0




Industry 4.0; Artificial intelligence; Technologies.


Industry is one of the landmarks for the historical evolution of humanity. Technologies are present in human life. Artificial intelligence is a type of intelligence that humans produce to give machines some kind of ability that mimics human intelligence. In this way, the work aims to present the importance of artificial intelligence for industry 4.0. For this, a bibliographical research was carried out in authors who deal with industry and artificial intelligence. This article shows that artificial intelligence together with industry 4.0 can bring benefits to all people and companies.


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How to Cite

Gonçalves, L. S. ., Fantazia, G. S. ., Oliveira, D. S. de ., & Costa , D. H. . (2023). Artificial intelligence in industry 4.0. E-Acadêmica, 4(2), e2642485.



Human, Social and Educational Sciences