Indication of cone-beam computed tomography for children's patients


  • Karla Ferreira da Silva Universidade Brasil
  • Marcus Vinícius Sales Arrais de Carvalho Universidade Brasil
  • Paulo Roberto Gromatzky Universidade Brasil



Pediatric dentistry; Computed tomography; Dentistry.


Cone-Beam Computed Tomography is na innovative diagnostic method that has progressed in modern dentistry and is suitable for almost all areas of dentistry including pediatric dentistry, used to analyze and describe pathological processes, visualize impacted teeth, evaluate sinuses, diagnose trauma, and show the bone composition of the temporomandibular joint. The imaging exam is of great value in complementary diagnosis, providing important data for the sucesso of pediatric dental treatment, allowing the application of a less invasive technique. Designed to bring the clinical applicability of computed tomography in pediatric dentistry to dentists, investigated some cases of use of this imaging technology. The objective of this work was to perform a literature review citing the use and indications of cone beam computed tomography in pediatric dentistry. The methodology considered 38 publications from 1992 to 2020, based on English na Portuguese data: Google Academic, PubMed, Scielo (Scientific Eletronic Library Online) and BDTD (Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations. We conclude that cone beam computed tomography is an important imaging exam for the dental surgeon, because it helps in the diagnosis of injuries, trauma, detection of pathological processes, surgical planning, genetic syndromes, among others.  


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How to Cite

Silva, K. F. da, Carvalho, M. V. S. A. de ., & Gromatzky, P. R. . (2021). Indication of cone-beam computed tomography for children’s patients. E-Acadêmica, 2(3), e072345.



Health and Biological Sciences