Influence of age on the effectiveness of assisted reproduction by in vitro fertilization in women over 35 years old




In vitro fertilization; Fertility preservation; Pregnancy; Reproduction; Maternal age.


Objective: To investigate the success of IVF in women over 35 years of age, as well as to understand failure rates and their reasons. Methods: Literature review, carried out in a descriptive way. For data analysis of the selected articles regarding the effectiveness of in vitro fertilization in women over 35 years old, as well as the influence of the age of the ovum. Using the data collected from three studies in a qualitative way.Results: It was observed that at 35 years of age, aneuploidies affect 1 baby in every 190 births, which is a significant rate when compared to pregnancies before 35 years of age. In addition, throughout the study, it was seen that in a certain group of women over 35 years of age, there is a 77.7% chance of complications during pregnancy, as well as the success rate with an ovum of its own tending to decrease over time. of years, being up to 35 years the success of 32.2% and above 43 of 5%. Evaluating that the effectiveness of IVF in patients over 40 years old was 9.6%. Conclusion: It is concluded that, through the number of oocytes retrieved, the number of embryos transferred and the pregnancy rates, the woman's age is an important indicator of the success rate of assisted reproductive technology. Based on the analyzed samples, it is concluded that, from the morphological point of view, there were no differences in embryonic quality between women of different ages.


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How to Cite

Nascimento, J. L. ., Lúcio, R. F. de O. ., Silva, A. G. F. ., Menezes, B. Q. F. ., Santos, G. V. da S. ., Lira, L. B. M. L. ., & Araújo, M. H. do N. . (2023). Influence of age on the effectiveness of assisted reproduction by in vitro fertilization in women over 35 years old. E-Acadêmica, 4(1), e2141433.



Health and Biological Sciences