Mandibular fractures
Mandibular fracture; Car acidentes; Jaw.Abstract
The objective of this work is to evaluate and understand the types of fractures, the most suitable treatments for the most frequent traumas, such as post-surgical recovery. The mandible is vulnerable to different types of injuries in the Maxillofacial skeleton because it is a mobile bone located in the lower part of the face that is connected to the skull by the temporomandibular joint. The type of injury depends directly on the force, direction and location of the blow, high intensity blows are usually fractures at the point of impact reached, whereas low intensity blows are related to the point or neck on the opposite side. A mandibular fracture may involve one or several other anatomical sites. Dealing with mandibular fractures, we can see that there are different etiological factors, such as car accidents, aggressions, falls, firearm injuries, sports accidents, work accidents and fractures originating from pathologies or systemic diseases. The diagnosis of fractures is based on the patient's history, circumstance, direction of force, systemic condition and age. To choose the appropriate and definitive treatment, it is important to take into account the location, type of fracture, presence or absence of dental pieces, muscle factors and the patient's condition. According to the fracture pattern, they can be: simple, compound, green branches, comminuted, complex, impacted, indirect and pathological. The method of treatment depends on several factors, degree of displacement, loss of soft or hard tissue, condition of remaining teeth, type of fracture, location and condition of the patient. The most common methods used for fixation are as: amarias with steel wires or rigid or semi-rigid Erich bars, in internal fixation the most common is with rigid plates or mini plates.
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