Oil energy and sustainable development: challenges of the brazilian economy





Sustainable development; Energy; Oil.


Economic development consists of the combination of economic growth and improvement in the quality of life of the population. In general, the cycles of prosperity are related to energy revolutions, whether through the invention of a specific technology or the discovery of an energy source which allowed boosting production and, consequently, economic growth. However, the energy sources that stood out the most in this period came from fossil sources and, therefore, highly polluting the environment. Therefore, the present work aimed to analyze the role of oil in the Brazilian energy matrix and discuss the challenges between energy balance and environmental preservation. Thus, we sought to suggest changes with the potential to solve bottlenecks of the national energy matrix that limit the sustainable development of the country. The methodology consists of a narrative review with bibliographic and informative analysis was used, and descriptive statistical inference was used in the data processing. From them, alternatives can be suggested to generate development, balancing energy security and environmental protection. Even so, the application of these theories is still a challenge, since currently fossil sources are equivalent to most of the world's energy matrix. As a result, Brazil was presented using data from EPE and BEN, with an observational cut from 1970 to 2022.


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How to Cite

Alves, A. B. de S. S. ., Souza, M. L. S. ., & Fontgalland, I. L. . (2023). Oil energy and sustainable development: challenges of the brazilian economy . E-Acadêmica, 4(1), e1841429. https://doi.org/10.52076/eacad-v4i1.429



Human, Social and Educational Sciences