Burnout syndrome in medicine students in a private school who have student funding


  • Wesley Thiago Rodrigues da Silva Centro Universitário Assis Gurgacz
  • Rafael Rauber Centro Universitário Assis Gurgacz
  • Keilla Denise de Limas Vanchanski Centro Universitário Assis Gurgacz




Burnout Syndrome; Private colleges; Student financing; Teaching.


Burnout Syndrome can be defined as our body's response to a high level of stress and chronic work, which presents itself in negative thoughts and attitudes. It is characterized by the presence of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and low personal accomplishment, which over the years is increasingly present in our community, due to the fact that the pressure on the individual is greater, a case that also occurs in university, especially those related to life treatment. In this article I have as an objective to show the possible and intimate relationship of the Burnout Syndrome with students of the private university Centro Universitário Fundação Assis Gurgacz, mainly related to students who participate in some social funding. This study was made using a Google forms form. The results obtained were that students with student funding have a higher inclination to develop Burnout syndrome than academics without funding, thus showing a relationship between funding and Burnout syndrome.


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How to Cite

Silva, W. T. R. da ., Rauber, R. ., & Vanchanski, K. D. de L. . (2023). Burnout syndrome in medicine students in a private school who have student funding. E-Acadêmica, 4(2), e0242428. https://doi.org/10.52076/eacad-v4i2.428



Health and Biological Sciences