Spontaneous abortion: women's perceptions and feelings





Spontaneous abortion; Nursing; Nursing care.


The World Health Organization (WHO) defines abortion as the spontaneous or induced termination of pregnancy. Spontaneous abortion is one that occurs naturally, without being intentionally provoked by the woman, and can have numerous causes. In most patients, it has a multifactorial cause, which makes its investigation difficult. To identify the women's feelings facing the experience of pregnancy loss; To report the patient's expectations related to nursing care; and Verify how the nursing staff contributed to alleviate the suffering of women who suffered a miscarriage.  This is a qualitative and exploratory research, developed in a small town in the Taquari Valley Region - Rio Grande do Sul. We interviewed 10 women from the municipal health network of the municipality and the network of contacts of the student-researcher who suffered spontaneous abortion with up to 20 weeks of gestation and older than 18 years. The age range of the interviewees varied between 20 and 42 years. The occurrence of abortion happened only once with 6 women interviewed and, in the others, 4 women, suffered abortion twice. After the analysis of the information, three thematic categories emerged: Revealing the care received by the participants, Identifying the orientation received after the abortion and Knowing the speeches heard by women during the care. It can be perceived by the reports of the interviewees that most health professionals are dedicated to offer a service that contributes to ease the pain of women who have suffered spontaneous abortion.                      

Author Biography

Gabriela da Silva Garcia Faller, Hospital Bruno Born




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How to Cite

Leite, L. P. ., Baiocco, G. G. ., Lohmann, P. M., & Faller, G. da S. G. (2023). Spontaneous abortion: women’s perceptions and feelings . E-Acadêmica, 4(1), e0641409. https://doi.org/10.52076/eacad-v4i1.409



Health and Biological Sciences