Cost of the basic food basket in Divinópolis/MG: a study on the price level in 2021




Basic basket; Divinópolis; Inflation; Minimum wage; Worker.


The study proposes to carry out an analysis of the cost of the basic food basket in the city of Divinópolis in the year 2021. For this, it also intends to verify the variations that occurred in the cost of the basic food basket over the period; demonstrate the participation of this basket in relation to the current minimum wage; present the number of working hours spent for its acquisition; estimate the value of the minimum wage necessary for the livelihood and well-being of the worker and his family; and, make a comparison of the behavior of the basic basket of Divinópolis with that of the capital, Belo Horizonte. In order to reach the proposed objective, a case study was carried out based on the survey carried out by the Nucleus of Studies and Economic-Social Research (NEPES) of the Centro Universitário UNA Divinópolis and the data released by the Inter-Union Department of Statistics and Socioeconomic Studies (DIEESE) during the analyzed period. The results indicate a positive variation in the cost of the basic basket in Divinópolis in the year 2021, reaching the highest value observed in December. As a result, this was the period that demanded the greatest number of hours worked from the worker to acquire the essential items and, according to estimates, the highest value for the minimum wage considered necessary for the sustenance and well-being of a family. Other results indicate that, comparatively, the cost of the basic food basket in the municipality of Divinópolis was lower than that observed in the capital Belo Horizonte.


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How to Cite

Pimenta, J. T. ., & Almeida, W. F. de . (2023). Cost of the basic food basket in Divinópolis/MG: a study on the price level in 2021. E-Acadêmica, 4(1), e0241405.



Human, Social and Educational Sciences