The use of market segmentation for the best positioning of a company




Marketing; Market segmentation; Strategy; Company.


Market segmentation (M.S.) is an effort to increase the assertiveness of a company's marketing department. It follows a customer-focused philosophy, where the needs of the buyers of a segment are discovered and then a product or marketing plan is developed to reach that segment, meeting the specific needs of the chosen group. Thus, this literature review aims to expose the importance of implementing the segmentation strategy, presenting from its concept to its advantages, bases, and methods of application. Besides, specifying strategies for target market selection. For this narrative literature review, bibliographic research was carried out between August and October through tools such as Google Scholar, E-academics and books with text available in full that were related to the proposed theme, written in Portuguese. Thus, articles with the theme pertaining to market segmentation were selected. The structural body for the research study is composed of 25 systematic review articles from a total of 63.200 articles. It was observed that market segmentation is a tool that aims to make a company's marketing strategy clearer and more accurate, where in-depth knowledge of the customers, the market and the identification of opportunities are some of the factors that lead a company to segment markets. To meet the changes that the market requires, companies must use innovation and differentiated strategies, specializing in a segment where they can better meet the needs of customers.


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How to Cite

França, J. L. ., Silva, M. M. da ., Santos, O. A. dos ., & Costa, D. H. (2022). The use of market segmentation for the best positioning of a company . E-Acadêmica, 3(3), e6133355.



Human, Social and Educational Sciences