The challenge of management in the inclusion of neurodiversity in people with ASD




Inclusion Management; Neurodiversity; Labor Market; Inclusion; Autistic spectrum disorder.


Neurodiversity, brings the inclusion that neurological conditions outside of social standards are a natural diversity of human beings and do not need cures or invasive treatments for individuals. The understanding of these conditions should be understood and respected in the same way that religion, gender, and ethnicities should be respected. Above all, inclusion in corporate environments. The objective of this paper is to verify and establish a broader view of the challenges that people with ASD have in entering the job market. This is a narrative literature review, carried out between September and November 2022, performed by consulting scientific articles selected through a search in the database for knowledge production in management: Google Scholar. Based on the selection of publications from the last 5 years, where 479,794 results were found through keywords in the period, filtering and adding the word TEA 24,386 results were found, associating all the keywords to the search, the result is 85 articles found, where 14 of these were randomly selected for the preparation of this narrative literature review. We consider that establishing opportunities for the insertion of autistic people in the labor market is not a way to exploit them, but to allow them to use their full potential and repertoire of skills in the corporate environment, thus improving their quality of life and obtaining financial resources for a more prosperous and comfortable life.


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How to Cite

Lima, A. de A., & Costa, D. H. . (2022). The challenge of management in the inclusion of neurodiversity in people with ASD. E-Acadêmica, 3(3), e5733346.



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