Castor bean oil and the matrix of energy in Brazil




Brazil; Castor bean oil; Environmental policy.


This article aims the National Program of Production and Usage of Bio Combustibles- Brazil (PNPB with the castor bean crop as a favorable candidate for increasing the production of small rural properties, as well as the construction of a sustainable energy policy. Throughout the study, the policies and techniques of this Brazilian institutional arrangement pointed to castor oil as being suitable for farmers in the Brazilian Northeast. In the article, it is also verified some of the arrangements that combine local energy demands with the new technical elements for conducting a balance between biofuel and fossil fuel. This being the most efficient policy. The decision on the allocation of efficiency, in the case of the energy sector, has many concerns within the energy matrix. As a result, what was just a research problem, became the crucial point of commitment of the Brazilian energy agencies, both in the sense of expanding a platform of biofuels consortia as well as promoting incentives through the force of law. Considering that, since the 1990s, renewable energy sources are the main issue around the world, then the question is whether castor bean-based biofuel is a good source of efficient green energy? Who prepares this oilseed for future generations? What kind of by-products can this supply chain develop? To answer all these questions, the DEA method offered many insights into the new range of sector policies through the CONAB-Brazil database.


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How to Cite

Fontgalland, I. L. . (2021). Castor bean oil and the matrix of energy in Brazil. E-Acadêmica, 2(3), e012332.


