Mercedes flap for nasal surgical defect closure: report of an unusual case




Basal cell carcinoma; Surgical flaps; Wound.


Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) is the most common cancer in the Brazilian population; however, it progresses to metastasis or death. It preferentially affects photoexposed areas and has a slight preponderance in males. In general, solutions are combined through surgical combinations, which are essential for maintaining tumor-free surgical margins. Mohs Micrographic Surgery is considered the gold standard in the expression of basal cell carcinoma, especially when the lesion is poorly defined or located in the risk zone of the face, such as the nasal region. After surgical removal, surgery reconstruction is required. When edge-to-edge closure is not feasible due to the operative defect, it can be used by flaps, grafts, or even closure by size, in order to restore an anatomy and an affected organ. The report of a case with a nasal defect, due to a retraction of a basal cell carcinoma, whose closure was performed using an advancement flap known as the Mercedes flap. Advancement flaps are those that are used to move an area of skin adjacent to the defect, without modifying the tissue displacement axis. In this case, the Mercedes flap is often performed in the temporal region, calcaneus, scalp and V of the neckline, and its use for closing the nasal context is unusual.


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How to Cite

Santos, M. G. D. ., Molina, J. D. ., Abreu, M. A. M. M. de ., & Espósito, A. C. C. . (2022). Mercedes flap for nasal surgical defect closure: report of an unusual case. E-Acadêmica, 3(3), e2733301.



Health and Biological Sciences