Evaluation of the epidemiological profile of patients with Pure Neural Leprosy





Epidemiology; Leprosy; Pure Neural Leprosy.


Leprosy is an infectious disease transmitted by Hansen's bacillus and has a diverse clinical presentation. Among them, Pure Neural Leprosy (PNH) stands out, which is characterized by neural involvement without the patient having skin lesions. The study aimed to evaluate the epidemiological profile of patients diagnosed with pure neural leprosy in referral services in the city of São Luís-MA. This is a descriptive, observational and retrospective study based on a search of registered medical records of patients diagnosed with PNH from January to December 2019 at the Reference Centers Hospital Aquiles Lisboa, Centro de Saúde de Fátima and Centro de Saúde Genésio Rego. Twenty-eight cases of patients with pure neural leprosy were diagnosed, of which 53.58% were male, 32.15% were in the age group > 30 years and > 60 years (each) and 39.28% had only incomplete elementary school. Based on the data analysis, it was possible to conclude that PNH is hyperendemic in Maranhão, which reflects the importance of the need to carry out preventive campaigns against this pathology, especially in the poorest sections of the population.


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How to Cite

Leite, M. J. F. L. ., Galiza, M. S. M. G. de ., Andrade, L. C. de ., Neves , L. L. F. de J. ., Santos , A. . C. ., Araujo, V. de C. ., Barbosa, L. C. L. ., Rezende, E. W. T. de ., Pereira , M. V. da S. ., Rodrigues , P. A. V. ., Ferreira, L. R. T. ., Mendonça, V. L. O. L. de ., Mota, K. F. ., Pavão , A. H. L. J. ., Cordeiro, P. L. ., Moreira , I. M. M. ., Marinho, R. P. ., Castro , K. dos S. K. ., Barros, C. R. H. A. ., Goedel, V., Silva, M. D. P. A. ., Veras, A. M. N. M. ., Penna, E. M. ., Coutinho Neto, L. M. ., Rodrigues, C. M. ., & Carmo, M. S. do . (2022). Evaluation of the epidemiological profile of patients with Pure Neural Leprosy. E-Acadêmica, 3(3), e1033286. https://doi.org/10.52076/eacad-v3i3.286



Health and Biological Sciences