Competencies for Sustainable Development: A survey for degree of importance and evaluation


  • Leir Martins Puppim Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  • Luiz Eduardo Figueiredo de Uzeda Federal University of Rio de Janeiro



Competencies; Sustainable competencies; Sustainable development; Future of work.


This article was guided by the need to study the eight Sustainable Competencies established by UNESCO. The purpose of this work is to analyze the relationship of the necessary skills with a focus on sustainability within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), both individual and organizational. It deals with the study of characteristics with a broad vision, inserted in the company's requirements, having as a question innovation, courage and daring to face traditional issues, focusing its speeches on relevant guidelines for the preservation of the environment. To this end, the delimitation of this study is restricted to the analysis of publications with a qualitative approach, related within organizations, punctuating how such competences are seen and classified by their degree of importance. The theoretical framework was obtained by analyzing the report published by UNESCO on such sustainable competencies, in addition to the use of the exploratory survey in search of opinions and data collection. As contributions, we present the relevance of such sustainable competencies for the future of work, from the individual's point of view, opening doors to innovation and profound changes in business dynamics in the attitudes of the sustainable leader as an organizer of knowledge in the process of change, as well as individually for each worker in the organization and creating new research opportunities related to sustainable competencies for the future of work.


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How to Cite

Puppim, L. M., & Uzeda, L. E. F. de . (2022). Competencies for Sustainable Development: A survey for degree of importance and evaluation. E-Acadêmica, 3(3), e1133285.



Exact and Technological Sciences