The importance of imaging findings in panoramic X-ray and CT scans in the diagnosis of benign tumors: Odontomas




Imaging findings; X-rays; Panoramic radiography; Computed tomography; Benign tumors; Odontoma.


Odontogenic tumors often affect the oral cavity, and odontoma is a very common tumor, which can be classified as a malformation (hamartoma), with epithelial and mesenchymal cells with defective architecture. Clinically, they are asymptomatic and are usually discovered in a routine imaging exam or in exams performed to detect failures of tooth eruption or increase in volume in the alveolar ridge. There are rare situations in which its abnormal growth can cause facial asymmetry and pain complaints, due to the fact that it affects nerve ramifications. Radiographically, it can be classified as composite and complex, with very distinct characteristics, the first being seen as several mineralized denticles and the second as a well-circumscribed radiopaque mass. In addition to imaging tests to have the correct diagnosis, it is ideal to do the histopathological exam so that you can have the correct classification of the tumor. Treatment is surgical, with excision and curettage without recurrence. As a guide for this surgical treatment, especially when there are impacted teeth, computed tomography exams can be used as an important complement to visualize the tumor and the adjacent region in three dimensions. Thus, this literature review aims to highlight the importance of imaging tests as an aid in diagnosis and surgical planning.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, J. T. C. de ., Santos, D. A. A. dos ., Pereira, B. I. ., & Costa, D. H. . (2022). The importance of imaging findings in panoramic X-ray and CT scans in the diagnosis of benign tumors: Odontomas. E-Acadêmica, 3(3), e2633281.



Health and Biological Sciences