Unilateral fracture of mandibular condyle: clinical-surgical case report





Mandibular condyle; Mandibular fractures; Oral surgery.


Mandibular fractures can lead to anatomical and aesthetic changes in the face as well as alter masticatory, phonation, swallowing and emotional functions in the patient. The mandible is considered the only mobile bone of the face and is susceptible to fractures due to its anatomy, and the condyle region is commonly affected by indirect trauma in the mandibular symphysis region. Condylar fractures present a large number of controversies regarding their diagnosis and best treatment method, since several factors influence the choice of surgical or conservative approach. Accidental falls from standing height, car accidents, physical and sports aggression are the main etiological factors associated with condylar fractures. This study aims to describe the case of a patient who fell from his own height, presenting signs and symptoms such as edema in the mandibular symphysis region, malocclusion and deviation in mouth opening to the left side, being diagnosed after complementary exams with unilateral fracture of the mandibular condyle that, after having received surgical treatment to reduce the fracture, evolved to an excellent aesthetic and functional result. The choice for the treatment of this fracture was surgical treatment with internal fixation of the condylar fracture with a 2.0mm system.


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How to Cite

Custódio, G. P. ., Costa, C. F. B. ., Castro, C. H. S. de ., Queiroz, L. C. ., Conceição, R. de O. ., Galvão, A. V. ., Almeida, M. de C. ., Galani, G. M. ., Padilha, I. P. ., Cruz, T. M. dos S. ., Oliveira, K. A. de ., Alves, D. A. ., Vieira, J. C. ., Ayres, W. A. B. ., Teixeira , T. S. ., & Paula, K. A. de . (2022). Unilateral fracture of mandibular condyle: clinical-surgical case report . E-Acadêmica, 3(3), e1833275. https://doi.org/10.52076/eacad-v3i3.275



Health and Biological Sciences